Integra’s sense of responsibility towards the community and the environment has lead to promote and actively participate in CSR initiatives.
Promotion of Education

The Foundation for Advancement of Education and Research ( is a trust that aims to bring together industry leaders and academician for taking up faculty development programmes and other allied activities across engineering colleges and polytechnics in India.
Integra was instrumental in setting up FAER in 2004 and providing it with the initial capital, free office space, and partial monthly expenses for its founding president. Integra personnel have been involved in FAER activities at various levels on an honorary basis, including two Integra board members as FAER trustees.
Promotion of Carbon Emission Reduction

The Fair Climate Network ( is a group of over one hundred individuals comprising development workers, climate change activists, environmentalists, scientists and other professionals from India and abroad.
The main purpose of FCN is to facilitate and capacitate grassroots bodies to develop pro-poor CDM Projects in India and tap carbon resources for the sustainable development of the poorest of the poor.
Integra has one of its board members as a member of the core group of FCN. Integra helped the core group in the formation of the tech team for evaluating and registering CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) projects. Subsequently, Integra has sponsored experts on an honorary basis to help low carbon farming (one of the CDMs) for southern NGOs in the CDM space.