With evolving times, the use of ICT in Governance is imperative. This enables the enhancement of information delivery, transparency and quality of service to citizens in the most of optimal manner. This access to information empowers citizens and enables their involvement in Governance. Thus enhancing citizen’s economic and social opportunities.
Integra has enabled various Government organisations with eGovernance initiatives for stronger and transparent functioning of their departments, in India and Africa.
Key Areas
- Multi-factor authentication
- Aadhaar Enrolment Appointment Portal
- Aadhaar authentication and Best Finger Detection
- iASK
- eKYC
- ePassport
- eGovernance services portal
- Integrated Project Management System - for railway construction divisions
- Biometrics based election management systems
- Election ID card processing software
- Driving license systems
- Asset Management System
- Fleet Management System
- Agri-commodity system
- Motor vehicle registration
- Data-warehousing for elections and revenue authority
Service Offered
- System studies
- Integration with ICR/OCR/OMR and biometrics
- Project management and quality consulting
- Software development and implementation
- Technology consulting
- Systems integration